Corporate Governance

Business Ethics

As Europes biggest landlord, we stand up to our responsibility towards all our stakeholders. Our entire strategic- as well as day-to-day business decisions are based on these five core policies.
  • Mission Statement 
    The mission statement is the foundation on which we move forward and develop. In day-to-day business it provides orientation because everyone knows the goals and knows what is expected of them. People should feel at home with us. Whether we can successfully fulfill this mission depends largely on how we work together. This is what our values stand for. The common task now is to live them every day and prove that Vonovia offers more than just four walls – a home for our customers.
  • Code of Conduct: Download
    This binding guideline regulates aspects such as conduct, prevention of corruption, conflicts of interest, protection of information and data, discrimination, environmental protection and protection of company property. It applies equally to all employees and members of the Executive Board.
  • Business Philosophy:
    All our business decisions are based on our long term business philosophy. The cornerstones of our business philosophy are described in this document.
  • Human Rights Policy: Download
    As Europe’s largest provider of housing, it is key to Vonovia that corporate governance is consistent with ethical principles and the principles of sustainable development.
    Vonovia SE affirms its corporate responsibility to respect human rights and is committed to establishing appropriate procedures to respect human rights in its own business activities as well as in the supply chain. We are committed to strict compliance with all locally applicable legal requirements and actively support respect for human rights, the combating of discrimination, fair working conditions, as well as environmental protection – both within our company and with regard to our business partners. Vonovia has corresponding expectations of all its employees and its direct and indirect business partners.
  • Business Partner Code: Download
    Vonovia has introduced a binding business partner code for all business partners. It contains binding principles of cooperation to ensure integrity, reliability and economically and legally correct conduct standards in the areas of human rights, working conditions, environmental issues as well as ethical business practices. It is binding for all suppliers and also applies to third parties, i.e. subcontractors of our contractual partners, The Business Partner Code must be bindingly accepted and lived every day on Vonovia construction sites. It includes, among other things, the obligation to exclude undeclared work, to pay the statutory minimum wage and to comply with the applicable German regulations on occupational safety and human rights and the applicable environmental legislation. It is not valid in Austria and Sweden, as they have their own codes.
  • LkSG Report: Download
    Fulfilling our human rights and environmental due diligence obligations is a top priority for Vonovia. For the first time for the 2023 reporting year, we describe how we are implementing the requirements of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act within the Vonovia Group.

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