
Sustainability at Vonovia

For us, sustainability does not just mean that we take the environment into account – social issues are also at the center of our business activities. We consider cities and neighborhoods in their entirety, with their many different residents who each have their own individual lifestyles. Based on this approach, we seek to develop solutions that ensure a sustainable future for living and construction. Vonovia provides homes that are both attractive and affordable at the same time. This means we are acting in the interest of a socially and economically sustainable future for the housing industry. We focus on integrated measures, taking into account changing environmental, business and political requirements – and, in particular, the individual needs of our tenants. We have therefore firmly integrated sustainability into our business processes and strategy.

Our Sustainability Strategy

Acting sustainably is at the heart of Vonovia’s identity as a company. We are continuously developing our sustainability-oriented agenda in order to reflect changes in society, the world of politics, the environment and the economy.  

The strategy, which will continue to have a commercially successful business model at its core in the future, explicitly addresses the following sustainability issues:  

  • Contribution to climate protection and reducing CO₂ in both, the housing stock and new construction (E)  
  • Taking on social responsibility for our tenants, customers and employees (S)  
  • Reliable, transparent and trust-based corporate governance (G)  

This specifically means that:  

E: With our 1.5°-aligned climate path, we are committing to the target of a virtually climate-neutral housing stock by 2045 with binding annual interim targets along the way. To ensure that the implementation is successful, we require both, a continuously high level of refurbishment and an increased, decentralized use of renewable energies for heating and powering neighborhoods. In this respect, the neighborhood is the main implementation level for climate protection targets and carbon reduction in the housing portfolio. The use of renewable energies and sustainable materials plays an important role in new construction and refurbishment.  

S: As a part of society, we take on social responsibility for our tenants, customers and employees. We offer socially responsible, transparent rents and see the expansion of a social infrastructure incorporating innovations and new technologies that are tailored to meet people’s needs as an integral part of neighborhood development. Thus, we aim to design urban, environmentally friendly and affordable housing in a socially responsible manner. As an indispensable part of our social responsibility, we offer our employees an attractive working environment characterized by diversity and a large realm of opportunity for personal development.  

G: We uphold our reliable, transparent and trust-based corporate governance, which aligns with the German Code of Corporate Governance and its best practices. We comply with all applicable laws and internal and external guidelines. This is an integral part of being a transparentand trustworthy partner.  


Managing Sustainability at Vonovia

Our business model – the development and rental of high-quality, modern and affordable housing – renders points of strong interdependence with the dynamics of rapid social and environmental change. Vonovia thus made sustainability one of the key components of its corporate strategy. In recent years, we have made great progress in integrating sustainability into the company’s business processes. With the implementation of the  non-financial performance indicator SPI in 2021, the strategy is linked to clear and remuneration-relevant targets for the Management Board and senior management (the first tier below the Management Board).  

The SPI comprises six sub-indicators reflecting the material topics of Vonovia (see graphic on the right). 

Symbols for SDGs with titles. Text: Key SGDs for Vonovia.

In terms of external guidelines and principles, Vonovia’s strategy is aligned to international standards and frameworks, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the UN Global Compact and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. As a company with international operations, we aim to contribute to achieving these goals with our business in Germany, Austria and Sweden. To this end, we have identified eight central SDGs that guide our actions (see graphic on the right). 

Our Contribution to Sustainability (Non-financial Key Performance Indicators)

These allow us to track and pursue our central ESG targets – thereby contributing to an improving performance in our five action areas.

31.7 kg


31.7 kg

CO₂e/m² living area (in Germany). 3,9% less than previous year.

25.3 kWh/m²


25.3 kWh/m²

p. a. based on energy certificates. 32,9% less than previous year.

17.5 %


17.5 %

of newly rented apartments in Germany (approx. 6,550 units).

-3.2 %

Customer Satisfaction Index

-3.2 %

slight decline compared to previous year in Germany.

9 %-pts.

Employee Satisfaction

9 %-pts.

increase for Vonovia Group compared to previous year.

24.2 %


24.2 %

first and second level below the Management Board.

Sustainability Management / Establishment in the Company

At Vonovia, sustainability lies at the very top level of management. The person responsible for sustainability at Vonovia is the Chief Executive Officer. On the part of the Supervisory Board, the Strategy, Finance and Sustainability Committee as well as the Audit Committee (for reporting) bear the corresponding control function.  

The Sustainability/Strategy division operates as an organizational unit directly below the CEO at Vonovia. It drives work on our sustainability issues that are directly incorporated in the company’s strategy and business model at large and reports to and coordinates its operations directly with the CEO. Other core duties of the division include, in particular, the further development of the sustainability strategy, the definition and monitoring of sustainability targets, and the initiation and implementation of sustainability projects. It also coordinates and implements sustainability reporting, which includes not only sustainability reporting within the annual report, but also the preparation of the ESG Factbook and the management of numerous ESG ratings.  

A sustainability committee meets three to four times a year to discuss the overall strategic direction and to evaluate the company’s sustainability performance. The committee comprises the entire Management Board as well as the heads of Sustainability, Corporate Communications, Controlling, Accounting and Investor Relations. This ensures that decisions on the implementation of our sustainability strategy are borne by all relevant divisions and all the way through to local implementation levels. The operational implementation of sustainability aspects takes place in all relevant departments and in our local neighborhoods in the various regions. Because sustainable principles are part of every employee’s ethos. In this way, we develop sustainable living environments on eye level with our tenants and for the cities, municipalities and regions in which we operate.  

In Austria and Sweden, sustainability coordination is embedded in the relevant staff positions. They coordinate the interaction between the Sustainability/Strategy department and the individual countries, as well as the country-specific sustainability strategies pursued by the Austrian BUWOG subsidiaries and the Swedish company Victoriahem.


Structure of Action Areas

We have identified a total of 10 material and 14  important topics that we specifically address in our sustainability strategy. We have allocated these topics to five different action areas, which in turn serve as the basis for our sustainability reporting process.  

  1. The Environment and Climate action area pursues the aim of reducing carbon in the real estate portfolio as well as sustainable refurbishment and construction.
  2. In our Society and Contribution to Urban Development action area, we are committed to creating livable neighborhoods. 
  3. Our Homes and Customers action area focuses on our efforts to provide our tenants with attractive housing that is suited to their requirements and life circumstances.
  4. This is made possible by our diverse and creative workforce, whose issues and concerns are taken into account in the Corporate Culture and Employees action area. 
  5. The Sustainable Corporate Governance and Responsible Business Practices  action area stipulates the guidelines and principles of our corporate governance as well as compliance. In this realm, we ensure our sustainable and long-term success on the capital market for our future viability.

Materiality Analysis

Vonovia systematically manages the main sustainability topics for the company referring to the double materiality concept in respect to two dimensions:   

  • The relevance of social and environmental changes on the business and on the value creation (outside-in perspective) and   
  • the impacts of the business model and company activities on the environment, society and the economy (inside-out perspective).   

We consider and incorporate the perspectives of our relevant stakeholder groups in our assessment of material topics.  

As a result from this review, our materiality matrix, compiles 10 identified material topics and 14 other important sustainability topics in five action areas. The five action areas are:   

  1. Environment and Climate  
  2. Society and Contribution to Urban Development  
  3. Homes and Customers  
  4. Corporate Culture and Employees  
  5. Sustainable Corporate Governance and Responsible Business Practices  

Definition of the Material Topics 
We identify and assess the impacts – both negative and positive – and their materiality (in terms of extent, scope and irreversibility) on and by the company in an ongoing process. In 2023, we once again performed a critical review of all topics against the backdrop of integration and consolidated reporting, as well as new regulations and changes in general conditions. This did not result in any changes to the previous assessment.  


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