
ESG Ratings and Rankings

Sustainability ratings and indices are crucial indicators of our sustainability performance and significant tools for guiding investment decisions. They also serve as sources of information for investors and the capital market. Sustainability ratings at Vonovia are equally important. We participate in a wide range of national and international sustainability ratings and benchmarks and use these to supplement our transparent and comprehensive sustainability reporting. The Sustainability Committee determines the ESG ratings we prioritize and actively provide responses for. Discover more about which ratings are relevant for Vonovia and how we are performing compared with other companies.


EPRA – European Sustainability Reporting Awards

  • 2024: Gold Award
  • 2023: Gold Award
  • 2022: Gold Award

The European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) evaluates the sustainability transparency of listed real estate companies based on the EPRA Sustainability Best Practice Recommendations (sBRP). In addition to overarching transparency disclosures regarding the scope and reach of the sustainability information reported, specific disclosures and, most importantly, annual comparisons regarding selected ecological, social and governance indicators are required. As part of our sustainability reporting, we publish a separate EPRA report every year, which is used for this assessment. In 2024, we achieved the Gold award for the seventh consecutive year, reflecting our ongoing performance. 


SBTi – Science Based Targets Initiative

In March 2024, the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) confirmed that the near-term targets set and submitted by Vonovia SE are in line with the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Agreement:     

Vonovia SE is committed to reducing absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 42% by 2030 compared to the base year 2021. Vonovia SE also aims to decrease absolute Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions from the categories ‘Fuel and energy-related activities,’ ‘Use of sold products’ and ‘Downstream leased assets’ by 25% by 2030.”   

This achievement places us among only four companies in the German real estate sector to receive such confirmation from the SBTi. Across Europe, only 37 companies operating in the real estate sector have achieved this.     

The Science-based Target initiative is a non-profit organization that develops standards and benchmarks for determining whether GHG targets are capable of meeting the challenge of keeping global warming below the levels considered critical by the global community and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. The SBTi is formed by the CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the We Mean Business Coalition, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). 


CDP – Climate Change

  • 2023: A-
  • 2022: B
  • 2021: B

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) helps companies to measure and manage their environmental performance and the associated opportunities and risks. The CDP assessment is based on bands, where A stands for leadership, B for management, C for awareness and D for disclosure. 

In 2023, we were awarded an A- rating for our performance and attained the leadership band for the very first time. This positions us in the top 23% of companies in our global peer group and means we score above the European average for all companies assessed by the CDP.   

We publish our responses to the CDP assessment to provide more comprehensive climate and environmental reporting. 

Zwei Abzeichen von Sustainalytics für Top-Bewertungen in ESG 2024.   Text auf dem oberen Abzeichen: GLOBAL 50 Text auf dem unteren Abzeichen: INDUSTRY

Sustainalytics – ESG Risk Rating

  • 2023: 7,6 score. Negligible Risk
  • 2022: 6,7 score. Negligible Risk
  • 2021: 6,7 score. Negligible Risk

Sustainalytics considers all three dimensions of the ESG approach to analyze and evaluate the sustainability performance of companies and countries alike. The ESG Risk Rating evaluates how large and active the company’s sustainability risks are. Sustainalytics allocates risks to risk categories for this purpose: “negligible” for a score <10, “low” for a score of 10–20, “medium” (20–30), “high” (30–40) and “severe” for scores >40.   

With a score of 7.6 at the end of 2023, we fall within the lowest risk category. Vonovia is therefore classed as one of the absolute top performers in the industry, and among the top 100 in a global comparison across all industries.

Corporate ESG Performance Prime

ISS ESG – Corporate Rating

  • 2023: C score. Prime Status
  • 2022: C score. Prime Status
  • 2021: C score. Prime Status

ISS ESG evaluates a company’s ESG management based on up to 100 criteria, many of which are sector-specific. The assessment scale ranges from A+ to D-; B is only achieved by very few companies in the real estate sector (and better than B by none). Vonovia attained Prime status for the first time in 2020, indicating that it is outperforming its peers. Since then, we have maintained this strong result. Our high level of transparency has also been consistently confirmed. 


MSCI – ESG Rating

  • 2023: A
  • 2022: AAA
  • 2021: A

MSCI ESG Research rates companies on a scale from AAA to CCC assessing their ESG-related risk exposure and how they handle these risks compared to other companies. Particular focus is given to governance-related issues. Vonovia has placed in the rating’s “A” band since 2019. MSCI noted our governance structures in particular, such as our supervisory structures and detailed anti-corruption guidelines. 

S&P Global CSA Score 2023. Vonovia hat 63 von 100 Möglichen erreicht.

S&P Global CSA

  • 2023: 63
  • 2022: 71
  • 2021: 68

The S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) evaluates the sustainability performance of around 8,000 international companies. Our performance is assessed in 24 (partially) industry-specific question categories with over 100 questions to encourage companies to bring their corporate strategies into line with social and ecological challenges.

Within our peer group, we rank in the top 5% of analyzed companies. Consequently, we have qualified for inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) Europe for the third time in a row.

The DJSI index family tracks economic, ecological and social criteria. It was launched in 1999 as a collaboration between Switzerland-based S&P Global (formerly known as SAM) and the Dow Jones Indices. S&P Global uses positive criteria to select the most sustainable companies for inclusion in the index in question. Only three real estate companies are currently listed in the DJSI Europe.


GRESB – Public Disclosure

  • 2023: A
  • 2022: A
  • 2021: A 

The GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) is an investor-initiated rating system for the sustainability performance of real estate companies. In 2020, we made the decision to no longer participate in the rating for the time being due to changes in the assessment methodology. We have described the reasons for our decision transparently in the Investor Relations section of our website. However, we are still in contact with GRESB and support potential developments that would lead to the rating system being applicable to residential real estate companies again.

We remain actively engaged in the GRESB Public Disclosure – a transparency analysis of companies’ sustainability reporting – and have consistently achieved a full score (100%) for maximum transparency for the past three years running. The resulting assessment of A (in a scale from A to E) took us to first place in a comparison of German residential real estate companies and is above the global average of B.


Annual Report & ESG Factbook


Commitments and Policies of Vonovia SE

As a leading company in the European residential real estate sector, we are aware of our responsibility.
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As a leading company in Europe’s residential real estate sector, we are also aware of our social responsibility in the area of compliance with laws and guidelines as well as contracts and voluntary codes.
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ESG Publications and downloads

Here you can view our publications and downloads on environmental, social and corporate governance topics.
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Financing Strategy

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Sustainable Finance

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