Act reliably
Our Annual Report
At Vonovia, we recognize that our success is built on the strength and dedication of our employees. We cultivate a corporate culture that promotes continuous development of each individual and the fulfillment of their potential. This approach helps us retain exceptionally talented personnel, adequately reward excellent work and support an ideal work-life balance. Our culture is grounded in fundamental principles, such as respect and a positive outlook on diversity. We are committed to creating a future-oriented, attractive and safe working environment that provides the foundation for our joint success.
As major megatrends, we take the challenges presented by the shortage of skilled workers and demographic change seriously and take them into account in our employee management strategy. We are aware that an aging population and the competition for qualified skilled workers – particularly in our industry, where there is a focus on technical skills – present new challenges.
To address these, we are focusing on creating a working environment that attracts new skilled workers and retains existing talent in the long term. In addition to a robust human resources strategy, a key lever used to achieve this is employee satisfaction, which we assess once a year through surveys. This is a key indicator for our Sustainability Performance Index (SPI), which shows how sustainable and responsible we are as a company in our operations. Another important indicator (SPI) in this area of action is the percentage of women in management positions. By promoting women to the top two management levels below the Management Board, we are demonstrating our commitment to diversity within the company and thus also developing our innovative power and facilitating better decision-making from within.
These two performance indicators are therefore a key benchmark of our success and also link our performance as an employer to the remuneration received by our Management Board. By focusing on the satisfaction and involvement of our employees and diversity at our uppermost levels of management, we are positioning ourselves as an attractive employer and thus ensuring our company’s future viability.
- We have set out our ESG performance along with the most important key figures in our ESG Factbook 2023
- You can see how we have performed in various ratings and benchmarks here
- You can find further information on this area of action in the Employee Issues section of the Annual Report 2023