Verschwommenede Person im Anzug mit Aktentasche geht durch die Vonovia Zentrale. Vordergrund zwei bequeme Stühle, in Orange und Blau.

Remuneration and Flexible Working Models

Ensuring that our employees receive transparent and performance-based remuneration is a crucial foundation for fostering fair cooperation within our company. Vonovia also aims to meet the requirements of today’s increasingly dynamic world and modern lifestyles by promoting flexible working models. Our approaches provide our workforce greater freedom to organize their work in a way that suits their individual circumstances and thus improve overall job satisfaction and health at work. Read on to learn more about how we foster a culture of recognition and offer more flexible working days with our remuneration models and measures.

Our Objectives

Target achievement: In order to consistently pursue our target, which is to offer a fair remuneration system that takes pay based on gender equality into account, we work out the gender pay ratio each year. Across the Group, this currently shows that our female employees earn salaries that are 7.2% higher than those of our male employees. This is due to the higher proportion of men in the technical occupations and a more balanced gender ratio in the on-average better paying commercial roles. 

Target for 2024: For 2024, We plan to further develop our remuneration system and pilot the “New Work @ Vonovia” concept at our corporate headquarters in Bochum to achieve dynamic utilization and improved design of the office working environment.

Medium to long-term Target: In the medium to long term, we aim to be able to provide all our employees with working models and locations that are optimally tailored to and supportive of their individual life circumstances. Additionally, we wish to further develop our remuneration system to ensure that it meets our high standards with respect to transparency and equal opportunities.

Challenges, opportunities and risks


Flexible working models give Vonovia the opportunity to attract a wider range of talented staff and strengthen employee loyalty. Fair remuneration increases satisfaction and commitment, fostering a greater sense of loyalty to Vonovia among our employees. We also work to promote flexible working models such as flexitime accounts and equal opportunities within the company.

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The challenge lies in developing remuneration models that ensure adequate recognition of our employees’ performance and provide them with a stable individual standard of living while remaining competitive on the market. There is also a need to develop forward-looking working models that are adapted to the changing life circumstances and requirements of all our employees. These are all partial risks that can be mitigated by implementing appropriate measures with respect to performance-based remuneration and creating a flexible, modern working environment. This increases our appeal as an employer and allows us to be proactive in combating the general risk of a shortage of skilled workers, which we currently assess as low – both in terms of the amount of loss and the probability of occurrence – due to the various measures we take.

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Flexible working models give Vonovia the opportunity to attract a wider range of talented staff and strengthen employee loyalty. Fair remuneration increases satisfaction and commitment, fostering a greater sense of loyalty to Vonovia among our employees. We also work to promote flexible working models such as flexitime accounts and equal opportunities within the company.

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The challenge lies in developing remuneration models that ensure adequate recognition of our employees’ performance and provide them with a stable individual standard of living while remaining competitive on the market. There is also a need to develop forward-looking working models that are adapted to the changing life circumstances and requirements of all our employees. These are all partial risks that can be mitigated by implementing appropriate measures with respect to performance-based remuneration and creating a flexible, modern working environment. This increases our appeal as an employer and allows us to be proactive in combating the general risk of a shortage of skilled workers, which we currently assess as low – both in terms of the amount of loss and the probability of occurrence – due to the various measures we take.

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Frau und Mann in Businesskleidung gehen vor einem modernen Office-Gebäude. Sie hat einen kleinen Koffer dabei, er eine Handtragetasche. Man sieht beide nur von hinten.

Management Approach

We believe that offering transparent, performance-based remuneration is one way that we can show our appreciation for our employees. We consistently uphold the applicable statutory minimum wage standards in Germany. More than 95% of our workforce across the Group is covered by collective agreements. We understand that our employees’ satisfaction – and therefore also their loyalty to Vonovia – is directly dependent on fair remuneration and their day-to-day working conditions. As such, we also give the majority of our employees special benefits on specific occasions or based on performance (e.g., employee profit-sharing & MaxBonus) as well as optional discounted and additional offers that are not dependent on these factors, such as our employee share program, which we update regularly. These benefits may be tailored to specific employee groups, for instance. 

In addition to this, we aim to create optimal working conditions for everyone and are continuously developing our concepts for mobile and flexible workplace design based on examples of best practices. Working hours and locations are to be made dynamic and capable of being adapted to the daily work routine of each individual employee through the use of digital tools and modern, appealing workplace facilities. This allows us to build an environment that appeals to both existing and potential new employees and promotes productive collaboration. These approaches are key to attracting and retaining talented skilled workers and help to position Vonovia as a forward-looking and employee-friendly employer.

Our Contribution to Remuneration and Flexible Working Models

Unser Beitrag zu Vergütung und flexible Arbeitsmodelle
weiße Frau mit blonden Haaren und grünbraunen Augen lächelt.



Responsibility for remuneration and flexible working models lies with HR, which works closely with our managers and the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) to ensure that our strategies are implemented and objectives achieved.


  • We have set out our ESG performance along with the most important key figures for the gender pay ratio in our ESG Factbook 2023
  • You can see how we have performed in various ratings and benchmarks here
  • You can find further information in the Employee Issues section of the Annual Report 2023
  • Learn more about remuneration and flexible working models on our careers website
  • Click here to visit our download center for all commitments and guidelines