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Our Annual Report
Act reliably
Our Annual Report
ESG-Factbook 2023
The Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Vonovia SE declare that since the last Declaration of Conformity was issued on March26, 2024, the company has complied with, and in future will comply with, all the recommendations of the Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code (Regierungskommission Deutscher Corporate Governance Kodex) as published by the German Federal Ministry of Justice in the official section of the Federal Gazette on 27 June 2022 (the “Code”), with the exception of the recommendation set out in G.13 sentence 2 of the Code:
G.13 sentence 2 of the Code specifies that, if post-contractual non-compete clauses apply, the severance payments shall be taken into account in the calculation of any compensation payments. Due to grandfathering rights, this recommendation has not yet been implemented in one case. In case of extensions of existing contracts or conclusions of new contracts this recommendation set out in G.13 sentence 2 of the Code will be complied with.
Bochum, 2025-03-04
For the Management Board
Rolf Buch
Chairman of the Management Board
For the Supervisory Board
Clara C. Streit
Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board