

Compliance is a top priority at Vonovia.

As one of the leading companies in the European residential property sector, we are aware of our responsibility, including compliance with laws and guidelines, contracts and voluntary codes.


Vonovia"s internal compliance management system applies to all subgroups and is designed to ensure that all businesses and processes are conducted in compliance with the relevant laws, regulations and administrative requirements, but also with contractual obligations and the company"s internal policies and directives.

In order to protect Vonovia from legal risks and other potential damage, Vonovia introduced a Group-wide Code of Conduct as part of a works agreement in 2010. This binding directive regulates aspects such as conduct, prevention of corruption, conflicts of interest, protection of information and data, discrimination, environmental protection and protection of company property. It applies equally to all employees and members of the Executive Board.


In addition, the company has introduced a binding business partner code for all business partners.


The ombudsperson is available as a contact person and advisor if an employee wishes to draw attention confidentially and outside the company hierarchy to conduct that may not be compatible with the Code of Conduct. If it could indeed be a compliance violation, Mr. Nordwig will pass the matter on to the Compliance Officer at the employee"s request, even without mentioning the employee"s name.

The ombudsperson is also available to business partners as a contact person for code-of-conduct questions and - anonymously if desired - directs the matter to the Chief Compliance Officer, Mr. Ralf Zieren: (

Manfred Nordwig
Phone: +49 (0)162 2383834


Chief Compliance Officer

Our Chief Compliance Officer Mr. Ralf Zieren will be happy to answer any questions you may have on the subject of compliance:

Phone: +49 (0)234 314-1524



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