Baerendorferbögen Fest Modernisierung

Strategy and values

As a responsible landlord, we aim to play a large part in finding solutions to current challenges. That’s why we are creating affordable housing and investing in homes that are fit for the future. Our goal is to establish a virtually climate-neutral building stock by 2045.

How we act



To help in achieving climate protection goals while ensuring that our business model is fit for the future, we adapt our strategy on an ongoing basis.
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Vonovia Leitbild

Mission statement

Particularly in times when the world is turning faster than ever, we believe that housing should be made better for as many people as possible. This is what we have been trying to do for over 100 years.
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As a leading company in Europe’s residential real estate sector, we are also aware of our social responsibility in the area of compliance with laws and guidelines as well as contracts and voluntary codes.
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