Eine Handwerkerin mit Gehörschutz lehnt auf einem Arbeitsgerät.

Promoting Health and Safety

Occupational health and safety are of the utmost importance at Vonovia – whether at our construction sites or at our offices. Through our Group-wide occupational health and safety strategy and our continuously updated internal health management system, we not only meet legal standards but also exceed them: We aim to do our part every day to create a healthy working environment and thus ensure that all our employees stay safe and benefit from a better quality of living. Read on to find out how we protect and promote our employees’ well-being through the various measures we take.

The aim of occupational health and safety is to ensure that our employees are just as healthy when they go home as they were when they came into work in the morning.

Andreas Huda
Occupational Health and Safety Officer for Value-add Business/Technical Service

Our Projects

Gruppenfoto mit dem Team-Zuwachs aus Kolumbien.

New Team Members from Colombia

Find out more in our sustainability report.

Kampagnenbild Hand aufs

Recruiting-Initiative Hand auf's Werk

Erfahren Sie mehr dazu in unserem Nachhaltigkeitsbericht. (German only)

Our Objectives

Target achievement:  As in the previous year, we have no work-related fatalities to report in the past fiscal year.

Target for 2024: In 2024, Vonovia will continue to do everything it can to reduce the accident rate and keep the number of work-related fatalities at 0. In addition, our existing occupational health and safety organization is being continuously expanded to include new business areas and thus also new employee roles – such as bicycle mechanic – for our start-up “Nearbyk,” and the respective risks associated with these are assessed in order to ensure a comprehensive occupational health and safety system.   

Challenges, Opportunities and Risks


Increased safety and improved well-being in the workplace can reduce the number of employee absences. This can help to minimize the risk for Vonovia of a shortage of skilled workers and allow the company to stay competitive in the hunt for talent thanks to excellent health and safety management. By promoting occupational health and safety, Vonovia achieves increased employee commitment and satisfaction, resulting in higher productivity levels and reduced absenteeism.

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Our technical employees are particularly exposed to an increased risk of accidents, as their work involves the use of heavy equipment or tools that require training. A particularly large number of regulations and mandatory protective measures therefore apply to business areas such as these. If these are not taken into account or are not given an adequate level of consideration, this creates the risk that employees will suffer occupational accidents as well as more general risks associated with typical manual work. 

Internal guidelines and safety protocols, risk assessments and effectiveness reviews are therefore adapted on an ongoing basis to reflect changing safety regulations, while it is ensured that all employees receive regular training and are kept up to date on the latest safety protocols. We therefore currently consider the risk of occupational accidents resulting from non-compliance with applicable occupational health and safety regulations to be low with respect to both, the amount of loss and the probability of occurrence (<5%). 

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Increased safety and improved well-being in the workplace can reduce the number of employee absences. This can help to minimize the risk for Vonovia of a shortage of skilled workers and allow the company to stay competitive in the hunt for talent thanks to excellent health and safety management. By promoting occupational health and safety, Vonovia achieves increased employee commitment and satisfaction, resulting in higher productivity levels and reduced absenteeism.

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Our technical employees are particularly exposed to an increased risk of accidents, as their work involves the use of heavy equipment or tools that require training. A particularly large number of regulations and mandatory protective measures therefore apply to business areas such as these. If these are not taken into account or are not given an adequate level of consideration, this creates the risk that employees will suffer occupational accidents as well as more general risks associated with typical manual work. 

Internal guidelines and safety protocols, risk assessments and effectiveness reviews are therefore adapted on an ongoing basis to reflect changing safety regulations, while it is ensured that all employees receive regular training and are kept up to date on the latest safety protocols. We therefore currently consider the risk of occupational accidents resulting from non-compliance with applicable occupational health and safety regulations to be low with respect to both, the amount of loss and the probability of occurrence (<5%). 

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Ein Vonovia Fliesenleger bei der Arbeit.

Management Approach

When it comes to occupational safety, Vonovia implements a professional health and safety management system that aims to reduce to a minimum or prevent potential dangers and occupational illnesses by promoting a working atmosphere that ensures employees are effectively protected. We therefore focus on creating safe working conditions by carrying out regular risk assessments and providing safety instructions and specialist training (by our own employees and external service providers), as well as by making sure that those working on our construction sites, in our neighborhoods and in the residential environment have the necessary personal protective equipment. Our target is to ensure that the working environment is one in which high safety standards form part of routine practice.

Our integrated occupational health management system (OHMS) also includes a wide range of different components designed to promote physical and mental health in order to safeguard our employees’ well-being. We achieve this through a combination of physical occupational safety, ergonomic working conditions, psychological support and preventive measures to encourage good health.

Our Contribution to Health and Safety

Förderung von Gesundheit und Sicherheit
Zwei Vonovia Architekten mit einem Plan in der Hand auf einer Baustelle.



The company representative from the Facility Management department, who is appointed by the Management Board, ensures nationwide occupational health and safety with the help of the internal coordinators in the joint enterprises. Occupational health and safety management for our commercial employees is coordinated by the occupational health and safety department within the Facility Management unit. The occupational health and safety department within the Value Add unit oversees and manages corresponding measures for our employees working in the manual trades. Both departments, together with the Training, Health and Social Affairs department (HR department), which comprises and manages all social and health-related measures for Vonovia’s workforce, report to upper management on any relevant progress and work closely with them to implement further measures to continuously promote occupational health and safety at Vonovia.


  • We have set out our ESG performance along with the most important key figures in our ESG Factbook 2023
  • You can see how we have performed in various ratings and benchmarks here
  • You can find further information on this area of action in the Employee Issues section of the Annual Report 2023
  • Click here to visit our download center for all commitments and guidelines