Text auf Betonwand: EVERYONE IS WELCOME, Kreidezeichnungen darunter.

Homes for Vulnerable Target Groups

People may find themselves in a disadvantaged position in the housing market for various reasons. Those affected or threatened by homelessness and people who have been forced to flee their homeland need special protection and support in their search for a home. We offer them somewhere to come to. The “Housing First” approach and associated network help us to make a substantial contribution to combating homelessness. We are committed to building an inclusive society by helping refugees, especially those from Ukraine, quickly and without any excessive bureaucracy. Our dedication to diversity and inclusion is an integral part of our corporate culture. 


Combating Homelessness 

The German Federal Government’s first homelessness report, published at the end of 2022, clearly showed that homelessness is a serious and growing problem in Germany. As a strong residential real estate company, we believe it is our responsibility to uphold the human right to housing as part of a functioning welfare state and actively contribute to resolving this challenge. We use our core skill – renting out apartments – to give a home to those who are affected or threatened by homelessness.

We primarily pursue the “Housing First” approach, which ensures that homeless people are provided with a standard tenancy agreement with all of the normal rights and obligations, regardless of any mental or physical health conditions that they might have. It is only after this that they are offered help in order to get some stability into their lives. Vonovia provides homes for this purpose through numerous cooperative arrangements – particularly as part of North Rhein-Westphalia’s “Endlich ein ZUHAUSE!” initiative – and provides further support through various other accompanying measures. Instead of long waiting lists or requirements, those affected are given direct access to housing and subsequent personalized support to help them get settled in their new home. By working together with various agencies, we helped to provide a total of 544 apartments in 2023 and were thus able to make a significant contribution to helping the homeless. We work closely with Bundesverband Housing First e.V. in order to build reliable partnerships in as many locations as possible. 

Our activities also cover other formats and target groups, such as “Haus Strohhalm” in Berlin, where we have provided the premises for a homeless shelter in a new BUWOG building. We made sure that the agency was closely involved in the planning process for the building, which can house over 44 people. The construction project took the agency’s requirements into account. In addition, we are working in partnership with the Hestia e.V association, also in Berlin. Over the next few years, we will make 15 homes available to be used as shelters for women and children who have been or are exposed to violent situations. 

This approach helps us to create a safe, stable environment for the most vulnerable members of our society. We are determined to tackle the challenge of homelessness in the long term and to make a lasting positive impact through continued partnerships and support measures.


Protection for refugees

At Vonovia, we feel we have a duty to support people in need, especially refugees seeking shelter from conflict and war. Since 2022, we have focused in particular on helping refugees from Ukraine who have been forced to flee the war in their homeland. We cut through the bureaucracy to quickly provide them with apartments so that we can offer them somewhere safe to come to and a place to rest. 

Our approach is based on tried-and-tested methods: We reactivated the house map, a platform that we originally launched during the refugee crisis of 2015/16. Municipal authorities can use the platform to gain exclusive access to our apartments and those of other residential real estate companies. We also make it possible for our craftsmen to set up homes for refugees, even if these homes are not in our portfolio, and help by donating furniture. In the first year since the war began, we were able to let around one in ten of our new rentals to Ukrainian citizens. In Berlin, Deutsche Wohnen works with the association Gemeinsam Vielfalt leben e.V. to offer unaccompanied underage refugees a safe space by setting up shared apartments. 

As Europe’s largest residential real estate company, promoting a pluralistic and diverse society is part of our corporate culture. For us, it goes without saying that everyone is welcome here, no matter where they are from. Particularly in tight housing markets, we actively work to help those who would otherwise have no chance and open doors to offer them a new home. This dedication is an expression of our values and our belief that diversity and inclusion enrich our communities. 
