
Dialogue with Tenants and Participation

Consultation processes are especially relevant for large-scale construction projects and refurbishments, yet they are also applied beyond these contexts. As for construction projects, we strictly adhere to the legal requirements with respect to participation processes. Additionally, we provide voluntary avenues for participation that enable our tenants to voice their opinions and contribute to the project, such as co-shaping the design of the residential environment or specific aspects like the conception and arrangement of parking lots.


Engaging residents in our neighborhoods prior to implementing major changes and involving them in the process can be quite challenging, yet it represents a valuable insight and learning opportunity for all stakeholders involved.

Sebastian Krüger
Regional Area Manager in Dresden

Challenges, Opportunities & Risks


In our portfolio of properties, particularly in new developments, we  not only have an impact on the living conditions of our tenants and customers, but also on other local residents and urban society at large. Consultation processes foster transparency, not only among our own customers, but also within the extended community. Engaging local residents early on enhances acceptance and participation in the development and design processes for construction, refurbishment, and neighborhood development initiatives. This approach yields superior outcomes and products for both, customers and the surrounding community as a whole. 

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Large construction and development projects often encounter a critical and dismissive reception within the local community, (also known as the "not-in-my-backyard" phenomenon). This may manifest through citizen initiatives, engagement of political representatives or other forms of protest, which can result in delays or even blockages of planned initiatives. 

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In our portfolio of properties, particularly in new developments, we  not only have an impact on the living conditions of our tenants and customers, but also on other local residents and urban society at large. Consultation processes foster transparency, not only among our own customers, but also within the extended community. Engaging local residents early on enhances acceptance and participation in the development and design processes for construction, refurbishment, and neighborhood development initiatives. This approach yields superior outcomes and products for both, customers and the surrounding community as a whole. 

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Large construction and development projects often encounter a critical and dismissive reception within the local community, (also known as the "not-in-my-backyard" phenomenon). This may manifest through citizen initiatives, engagement of political representatives or other forms of protest, which can result in delays or even blockages of planned initiatives. 

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Eine Person hakt eine Ideen und Wünsche Liste ab.

Management Approach

Ensuring tenants and residents embrace all neighborhood changes is crucial, given our role in shaping their immediate living environment. We prioritize early communication of planned initiatives to foster understanding and bridge differences. Engaging the community offers a significant opportunity to collaboratively enhance our neighborhoods and to contribute positively to social cohesion.   

Actively designed participation processes and citizen involvement procedures commence during the planning phase, often years before actual construction begins. This approach allows us to collaboratively identify solutions with local tenants for neighborhood improvements. We employ diverse formats including tenant surveys, door-to-door or one-on-one meetings, tenant gatherings and workshops, informational sessions, and neighborhood walks. Initial points of contact for neighborhood concerns are our caretakers, neighborhood managers, and leasing offices.   

Our customer service represents the primary point of contact for all customer concerns. Additionally, we have various whistleblower and complaint channels in place that our tenants can turn to. Our anonymous whistleblower portal, available in multiple languages, enables tenants to report suspected cases of discrimination during the rental application process, among other issues. This system underscores our commitment to transparency and participation, striving to collaborate with tenants to create livable homes and address complaints promptly and effectively. 
