Mehrfamilienhäuser im Bau, im Wohngebiet bei klarem Himmel. Neubau Marienufer Berlin

We develop our projects in a modern, sustainable way

Vonovia is a residential real estate company that takes social and economic responsibility. We provide people with contemporary homes that meet modern standards, while doing our part to protect our climate.  we incorporate innovative aspects of environmental, economic and social sustainability into our new construction projects – and always aim to continuously improve. Whether new residential construction, climate or demographic change: the housing industry plays a central role when it comes to the overall social challenges of our time. 

Our aim is to create affordable and climate-neutral homes. By doing so, we are doing our part to protect the climate and providing new homes where they are urgently needed. 

  • We factor environmental and social aspects into our new construction projects.
  • Our goal is to create neighborhoods powered entirely by renewable energy. 
  • Projects that are designed with sustainability in mind help to effectively reduce the amount of space used and the area of soil sealed for new construction.
  • We take a building’s entire life cycle into consideration and use ecological construction materials wherever possible.
  • We approach mobility concepts in a holistic way, taking care to include e-mobility and mobility for all generations.
  • Through research and pilot projects, we test and continually improve innovative construction methods and concepts for energy and water management.
  • We are committed to digitalizing and fast-tracking approval procedures for construction projects.

Comprehensive project development

Our project developments include purchasing land without a development plan or dedicated purpose, completing new buildings, constructing new buildings on our own land, and the vertical expansion and refurbishment of existing residential buildings in our neighborhoods. 
We either rent out new-build properties ourselves or sell them to third parties.

Neubau Neubau Lichtenbergstraße FFM

Our goals are sustainable neighborhood development and high-quality new construction. And we want to be a reliable partner for policymakers and urban society.

Daniel Riedl

New building Metzer Strasse, Dortmund

Neubau Metzer-Straße Dortmund
Neubau Metzer Straße Dortmund
Neubau Metzer Straße Dortmund Innen

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The Rental segment combines all of the business activities that are aimed at the value-enhancing management of our own residential real estate. It includes our property management activities in Germany, Austria and Sweden.
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Wohnzimmer und Küche; Sofa mit gelbem Kissen; Essbereich dahinter.

Value Add

Value Add is where we bundle all housing-related services that we offer to complement the core property rental business: maintenance and modernization services in addition to services that are closely related to the rental business.
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Recurring Sales

In Recurring Sales, individual condominiums or single-family houses in our portfolio are sold to private buyers. We have merged our sales activities in Germany and Austria to form one joint business area.
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To help in achieving climate protection goals while ensuring that our business model is fit for the future, we adapt our strategy on an ongoing basis.
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