Wohnzimmer und Küche; Sofa mit gelbem Kissen; Essbereich dahinter.

Apartments with added value

As one of Europe’s leading landlords, we provide homes to more than one million people. We also offer our tenants a whole range of services to help make their lives easier. These range from the maintenance and modernization of our portfolio to comprehensive services designed to make life even better.

To this end, our employees are on duty every day, carrying out manual work, maintaining the green spaces and taking care of everything that arises in the neighborhoods. In addition, our tenants can obtain cheap green electricity from us (green electricity) or electricity from their own roof (green direct electricity); we also offer high-speed Internet in our neighborhoods. Special insurance offers round off our service portfolio for our customers.


Digitalizing our portfolio

Digitalization is a key means through which we can offer our tenants a better level of service and more comfortable homes and press ahead with the energy-efficient modernization of our buildings and neighborhoods. For example, we created a digital twin of our buildings in Bochum as part of a pilot project: Using models like these, we can simulate solar radiation, for instance, and then decide whether photovoltaics is the right solution for a particular location. In the long term, this would allow us to plan and design the energy and heating supply in our neighborhoods in a more efficient and sustainable way.


Our offer for property owners: ecowo

Our subsidiary ecowo manages other owners’ residential properties in an economical, forward-looking way. Ecowo optimizes financial planning, takes care of service charge bills, oversees owners’ meetings, and coordinates all property service providers.

In addition, ecowo negotiates exclusive purchase conditions for property owners and assumes responsibility for the long-term securing of energy supplies, meaning that owners can enjoy all these benefits, all in one place.

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Recurring Sales

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