Corporate Governance

Compliance & Anti-Corruption

Vonovia does not tolerate corruption and refrains from doing business that involves any form of bribery or money laundering.

Vonovia abstains from political donations.
We provide internal and external whistleblowers with various reporting channels for possible compliance violations.
  • Compliance Policy: Download
    In Vonovia’s Compliance Management System (CMS), the compliance guidelines formulate the basis for the establishment and operation of the compliance organisation and describe the design of the CMS. Together with the Code of Conduct, it is thus at the top of the internal standards hierarchy of the compliance regulations and forms the starting point and reference point for all subordinate compliance regulations.
  • Anti-Money Laundering Policy: Download
    This guideline specifies the procedure and the framework for the prevention and detection of money laundering relevant facts.
  • Anti-Corruption Policy: Download
    This guideline specifies the background and the framework for the prevention and detection of corruption. It describes rules of conduct when inviting e.g. to events or providing gifts to third parties on behalf of Vonovia as well when accepting gifts or invitations from externals.
  • Anti-Corruption-Programm (Annex to the Group Guidelines): Download
  • Whistleblowing Policy: Download
    This policy formulates a whistleblower guideline for the consistent detection of misconduct. It supplements the compliance guidelines, the Business Partner Code and the guidelines on the internal control system, Furthermore, it specifies the procedure for reporting incidents and the framework for preventing and detecting corruption or irregularities.
    You can reach the BKMS whistleblower system at the following contact information:
    GSK Compliance telephone hotline: 089 288 174 8830 (09:00 – 18:00)
    E-mail addresse:

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