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Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality

At Vonovia, customer satisfaction is at the core of our corporate philosophy. We are proud to offer a wide range of channels of communication and additional services to provide top-tier support and an outstanding level of service. Our offers are specially tailored to meet the different needs of our diverse tenant structure. Discover how we create a positive residential experience through consistent transparency, a solution-focused approach and constant accessibility, thus keeping customer satisfaction at a high level.


Our digital solutions streamline and expedite communication for our tenants, making it faster and easier for them to get in touch with us.

Malte Hollstein
Managing Director Customer Service

Our Objectives and Key Performance Indicators

Key performance indicators and target achievement: Vonovia’s target is to increase customer satisfaction by continuously improving its services and products.

The most relevant non-financial performance indicator we use to measure customer satisfaction is the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). This key figure is also part of the Sustainability Performance Index (SPI) and therefore one of six fundamental, remuneration-relevant sustainability performance indicators.

Target for 2024:   Our aim for 2024 is to keep customer satisfaction at a consistently high, stable level.

Medium to long-term target (2030-2045): Our target for the medium to long term is also to ensure that customer satisfaction remains at the currently high level.

Challenges, Opportunities and Risks


The digitalization of processes and introduction of tenant apps offer promising opportunities to improve customer satisfaction. More efficient communication and simplified processes such as digital lease agreements and ancillary expense bills ensure quicker resolution of customer issues. . This improves accessibility and service quality, leading to  increased customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Digitalization also enables us to explore additional business opportunities by offering a broader range of services.

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Despite all efforts to ensure a high standard of service and customer satisfaction, potential staff shortages and complex customer issues present certain risks. These factors can lead to limited accessibility and delays in customer service potentially casing dissatisfaction und frustration among tenants.. Such incidents can negatively impact the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and damage Vonovia’s image, ultimately leading to potential financial losses.

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The digitalization of processes and introduction of tenant apps offer promising opportunities to improve customer satisfaction. More efficient communication and simplified processes such as digital lease agreements and ancillary expense bills ensure quicker resolution of customer issues. . This improves accessibility and service quality, leading to  increased customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Digitalization also enables us to explore additional business opportunities by offering a broader range of services.

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Despite all efforts to ensure a high standard of service and customer satisfaction, potential staff shortages and complex customer issues present certain risks. These factors can lead to limited accessibility and delays in customer service potentially casing dissatisfaction und frustration among tenants.. Such incidents can negatively impact the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and damage Vonovia’s image, ultimately leading to potential financial losses.

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Management Approach

Customer satisfaction is crucial to Vonovia’s success. This is reflected in the level of comfort our tenants feel in their homes and neighborhoods, and how fair they perceive their treatment by us as a landlord. 

The challenge facing Vonovia lies in achieving high levels of customer satisfaction and service quality against the backdrop of a large residential portfolio, low vacancy rates – and, as a result, strong demand for hones – and a wide variety of customers with a whole range of different concerns. This requires a good deal of accessibility and speed, as well as employees who have been trained accordingly. This is both an opportunity and a risk, as the quality of customer care and services plays a central role. Our experience shows that accessibility, speed, and transparency in service are decisive factors for achieving a high level of customer satisfaction.

Our central, multilingual customer service department acts as the first port of call, whereas our caretakers and craftsmen look after the needs of tenants on location.  This allows us to provide fast, reliable service in response to any concern. We run our own customer service centers in Essen, Dresden, and Berlin. Our employees undergo continuing professional development thanks to a centralized knowledge and training management program. Regular dialog formats ensure performance and quality. The aim is to be able to guarantee the same level of quality for the entire portfolio in Germany. Therefore, our staff of more than 1,100 employees is available to our customers through a variety of channels.

Our customer service department handles a wide range of inquiries concerning everything from day-to-day matters to specific offers of support. We also conduct regular surveys so we can learn about our tenants’ wishes and needs, and use the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) as our key performance indicator. The CSI is also used to help determine how much remuneration will be paid to our Management Board and top management team. 

Digitalizing our services is an important step in ensuring greater availability and efficiency. We optimize our processes on an ongoing basis by rolling out additional self-service features such as the “My Vonovia” and “DeuWo Digital” tenant apps. Protecting our tenants’ data and privacy is a top priority for us, as this serves to build greater trust among our tenants and allows us to continuously improve customer satisfaction. Therefore, they also have access to all of our whistleblower and complaint channels.

Our contribution to Greater Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality

Unser Beitrag zu mehr Kundenzufriedenheit und Servicequalität



At Vonovia, responsibility for customer service center lies with the Chief Rental Officer (CRO). While customer satisfaction is assigned to the customer service center in strategic terms, it affects all customer-facing operating departments and is ensured by each and every Vonovia employee. The design and management of the tenant apps are also the responsibility of customer service.


  • You can find comprehensive information about the services we offer for tenants and landlords alike on our customer website
  • Click here to learn more about the Vonovia tenant app
  • You can access all of our whistleblower systems, which are also available to our tenants, by visiting our compliance page
  • You can find more in-depth information about the key sustainability topic “Customer service and service quality” in our numerous reporting formats
  • You can see how we have performed in various ratings and benchmarks here
  • You can find further information about customer service and service quality in the Social Issues section of our Annual Report 2023