
Architectural Culture

Vonovia is intertwined with the public built environment through our real estate portfolio. We aim for our tenants to feel a sense of identification and appreciation for their residential surroundings. Therefore, preserving listed buildings and architectural heritage is of utmost importance to us. When planning and executing neighborhood development initiatives, we meticulously adhere to the relevant requirements for historic preservation, ensuring that the neighborhoods maintain their authentic character.

Our Projects


Milestones of Architectural History

Curious? Get an insight into the redesign of our milestones in building history here



„Von der Baukultur zur Umbaukultur: Wie muss sich das Bauen ändern?“ Hören Sie hier in die Folge des BUWOG-Podcast rein (German only)

Außenansicht Gebäude Unternehmenszentrale Vonovia

Vonovia schafft Wohnraum

Stilistische Anknüpfung an denkmalgeschütztes Quartier in Leipzig: Erfahren Sie darüber hier mehr (German only)

Außenansicht Gebäude Unternehmenszentrale Vonovia

Studie zu Großwohnsiedlungen

Lesen Sie hier die Hintergrundinformationen über die Studie, die Status und Potenziale von Großquartieren erforscht (German only)


Denkmalschutz bei der BUWOG

Kennen Sie schon die historischen und denkmalgeschützten (Wohn-) Bauten der BUWOG in Österreich? Schauen Sie sich diese hier an (German only)



Unser Modernisierungsprojekt an der Hochschulstraße war als bedeutender Beitrag zur sächsischen Baukultur Teil des Sächsischen Architekturkalender 2022: Werfen Sie hier einen Blick hinein (German only)

Our Approach

In all our management and refurbishment endeavors, we prioritize the preservation of architectural heritage in our historic properties. Our approach focuses on conserving the building's architectural elements while carefully considering methods to protect historical structures and maintain the neighborhood's original character for both new arrivals and long-term residents. This commitment aligns with our climate pathway, aimed at reducing CO₂ emissions across our real estate portfolio through sustainable construction and refurbishment practices. Additionally, we actively engage in community outreach and social initiatives to foster awareness of architectural history within these neighborhoods, encouraging community involvement to safeguard their valuable architectural heritage. 

Our Contribution to




The topics of architectural culture and the preservation of historic buildings are evident in various aspects of our portfolio refurbishment projects and neighborhood development across different regions. Both business areas are overseen by the Chief Rental Officer (CRO). The Climate-Neutral Housing Stock department is dedicated to developing refurbishment solutions that align with our climate pathway while meeting the requirements for the protection of historical buildings. At the neighborhood development level, regional departments implement selective measures to promote identification with the neighborhood's history, preserve architectural culture, and raise awareness of these aspects within our historic neighborhoods, among other objectives. 
