
Governance and Compliance

Our commitment to governance and compliance serves as the foundation for responsible corporate management. We focus on creating transparency, integrity and trust to ensure that all business activities meet our high ethical standards and legal requirements.

Our Projects


Compliance Risk Analysis

Click here to learn more about the compliance risks analysis that we regularly carry out.

Our Objectives and Key Performance Indicators

Our targets are to achieve full compliance with legal requirements and to prevent misconduct. The number of proven cases of corruption, submitted reports and the results of our regular compliance risk analyses provide us with performance indicators. Our aim is to further strengthen integrity and trust in our company and to manage it in such a way that it is sustained over the long term.

Challenges, Opportunities and Risks


Strong governance and a robust compliance culture help us to be seen as a reliable partner, as well as strengthen investor confidence and create competitive advantages. They also enable us to be proactive in responding to changes in the regulatory environment and to manage risks effectively.

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Failure to meet compliance regulations can lead to legal sanctions, loss of reputation and financial losses. The complexity of global markets and having to continually adapt to new laws and regulations also present risks. We review these risks on an ongoing basis and use these findings to decide on appropriate measures.

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Strong governance and a robust compliance culture help us to be seen as a reliable partner, as well as strengthen investor confidence and create competitive advantages. They also enable us to be proactive in responding to changes in the regulatory environment and to manage risks effectively.

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Failure to meet compliance regulations can lead to legal sanctions, loss of reputation and financial losses. The complexity of global markets and having to continually adapt to new laws and regulations also present risks. We review these risks on an ongoing basis and use these findings to decide on appropriate measures.

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Verträge werden unterschrieben, man sieht eine Hand mit Kugelschreiber.

Management Approach

Reliable governance and effective compliance are an integral part of our corporate strategy. In a world shaped by rapid change and increasing regulatory requirements, a robust governance structure ensures that we are able to stay on track and take advantage of opportunities. Our compliance measures ensure that we are able to manage risks effectively and guarantee that human rights are protected and ecological standards met. This increases our long-term growth, builds stakeholder confidence and safeguards our market position. We have set up a compliance management system (CMS) which the Chief Executive Officer is responsible for implementing. 

At Vonovia, we are leading the way with conviction and a sense of responsibility by consistently complying with all laws and regulations. We set out a clear position on this in our Code of Conduct, which is binding for all employees. This stance not only protects our integrity but also builds greater trust among our employees, customers and business partners. In a dynamic housing market, our aim is to offer security and reliability through transparent actions and fair business practices. We focus on establishing long-term partnerships with our suppliers and service providers who share our values and contribute to our joint success. 

Our Contribution to Strong Governance and Effective Compliance

Governance und Compliance



The organizational anchoring of our compliance structure is clearly defined: The Chief Compliance Officer heads this area and reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer. The entire Management Board is kept informed about compliance-related issues by the Chief Compliance Officer on at least a quarterly basis, and the Supervisory Board is provided with comprehensive information on the compliance and data protection-related issues that are relevant to the Group every six months. 

The Chief Compliance Officer is also supported by a Compliance Committee. This committee is comprised of the Chief Compliance Officer, compliance officers, the ombudsperson and representatives from the auditing, risk management and HR management departments, the works council and companies outside of Germany, and convenes quarterly to ensure that the compliance management system is regularly updated to meet current requirements and to develop it further. 

In order to build an even more robust compliance culture throughout the Group, a decentralized compliance structure will be set up from 2024, in which local contacts in relevant business areas will be trained in compliance-related issues. 

The Management and Supervisory Board offices coordinate cooperation between the management committees and ensure that committee resolutions are implemented. 
