Act reliably
Our Annual Report
The European legal framework in which Vonovia’s business model operates is strictly regulated and overseen in the markets in Germany, Austria and Sweden. This applies in particular to fundamentally enshrined human rights, to which Vonovia attaches great importance irrespective of the legal framework. Compliance with, and the promoting of, these rights is reflected in our ethos. We regularly scrutinize our guidelines and adapt them to reflect changing overall conditions. Due to the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, the way in which supply chains are structured and the due diligence obligations associated with this are of increasing importance to the company.
Our position is clear: We respect and promote human rights, both in our own area of business and in our supply chain. We strive for transparency in our compliance with human rights and all relevant standards along the entire supply chain. Our constant aim is to prevent or minimize the risks associated with our business activities. We take reports of potential violations very seriously and investigate them thoroughly. We maintain a respectful and cooperative relationship with our business partners as equal partners, and in addition to fair working conditions, we also wish to achieve greater environmental and climate protection in our supply chain.
At Vonovia, we rely on long-term partnerships on an equal footing. This allows us to build a close relationship of trust with our contractual partners, which is largely the responsibility of the procurement department. This successful collaboration makes our supply chain more efficient and resilient. We maintain close contact with our suppliers and raise their awareness of environmental and climate protection in the supply chain as well as respect for human rights.
Supply chains are often complex with numerous separate branches, and creating transparency is challenging. Vonovia is aware of the risks in the supply chain, particularly in raw materials extraction and the manufacture of construction materials, as well as compliance with labor and social standards on construction sites. Vonovia carries out regular risk analyses and uses these to decide on appropriate measures in order to minimize risks.
At Vonovia, we rely on long-term partnerships on an equal footing. This allows us to build a close relationship of trust with our contractual partners, which is largely the responsibility of the procurement department. This successful collaboration makes our supply chain more efficient and resilient. We maintain close contact with our suppliers and raise their awareness of environmental and climate protection in the supply chain as well as respect for human rights.
Supply chains are often complex with numerous separate branches, and creating transparency is challenging. Vonovia is aware of the risks in the supply chain, particularly in raw materials extraction and the manufacture of construction materials, as well as compliance with labor and social standards on construction sites. Vonovia carries out regular risk analyses and uses these to decide on appropriate measures in order to minimize risks.
We communicate our clear conviction for a pluralistic democratic society and zero tolerance of human rights violations in our Declaration of Respect for Human Rights. We adhere to the core labor standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the principles of the UN Global Compact, which we committed to in 2020. Vonovia’s business model includes the construction, maintenance and refurbishment of homes. We are aware of our social responsibility as a company active in this important sector.
- Click here to view our Business Partner Code
- Click here to learn more about our cooperation with business partners
- Here you can find our Declaration of Respect for Human Rights
- Click here to access our LkSG Report 2023
- We have set out our ESG performance along with the most important key figures on our supplier structure and supplier review in our ESG Factbook 2023
- You can find further information on respect for human rights in our Annual Report 2023