Vonovia Mitarbeiter überprüft Steuerungseinheit. Wohngebäude mit Gerüst im Hintergrund.

Tenant Health and Safety

The health and safety of our tenants is a top priority for Vonovia. We implement comprehensive measures to ensure that our residential property and the surrounding environment are safe and healthy. Through proactive management and continuous monitoring as part of our operator obligations, we create a safe, pleasant residential environment of the highest standard.

Challenges, Opportunities and Risks


Our strict compliance with safety and health standards means that Vonovia not only offers safe and healthy homes, but also strengthens tenants’ trust and increases their satisfaction. This ensures greater tenant loyalty and contributes to social stability within the neighborhood. Vonovia also positions itself as a responsible housing provider, which makes it more attractive to investors and partners.

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Non-compliance with health and safety regulations carries significant ramifications, such as health risks for tenants and financial liabilities from damage claims. It also poses risks to Vonovias reputation and may result in regulatory penalties. Lengthy approval processes and escalating construction costs further challenge the implementation of safety measures.

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Our strict compliance with safety and health standards means that Vonovia not only offers safe and healthy homes, but also strengthens tenants’ trust and increases their satisfaction. This ensures greater tenant loyalty and contributes to social stability within the neighborhood. Vonovia also positions itself as a responsible housing provider, which makes it more attractive to investors and partners.

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Non-compliance with health and safety regulations carries significant ramifications, such as health risks for tenants and financial liabilities from damage claims. It also poses risks to Vonovias reputation and may result in regulatory penalties. Lengthy approval processes and escalating construction costs further challenge the implementation of safety measures.

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Management Approach

Ensuring the long-term health and safety of our tenants is paramount at Vonovia That is why Vonovia aims to manage its portfolio efficiently and to make it optimal and livable for customers. In addition to preserving the building structure with maintenance measures, the primary target is to permanently minimize the risk of hazards by complying with all safety regulations without exception.

To ensure our tenants’ health and safety, we use a management approach based on a comprehensive safety concept. This has been set out in a Group guideline on our operator obligations, meaning that it is therefore valid for the entire Group and is firmly anchored in our business processes. It covers inspections, maintenance and immediate rectification of defects to ensure safety in and around our residential property. As a preventive measure, we carry out regular safety inspections and technical checks in order to identify and mitigate potential risks early on. These checks are carried out by trained staff using special checklists in line with the latest safety standards. We regularly carry out risk analyses in order to identify and assess potential dangers. These analyses help us to implement preventive and corrective measures in a targeted way. The results of these checks are directly incorporated into our maintenance and refurbishment plans. We also encourage our tenants to get actively involved and provide feedback so we can continuously improve safety measures and adapt them to residents’ needs.

Developing fire safety concepts and conducting regular inspections for hazardous substances are integral components of our safety protocols. We collaborate closely with local fire departments and municipal authorities to ensure thorough and regular fire safety inspections of our facilities.Our employees receive  regular training on topics such as building safety and fire safety. In addition to conveying technical knowledge, the training is designed to raise awareness and improve understanding of the importance of complying with safety standards. Safety briefings are provided by the occupational safety department once a year. Recurring external audits (TÜV inspections) of technical equipment such as elevators and drinking water systems are also carried out. The inspection intervals vary depending on the piece of equipment in question: While elevators are inspected by external experts on an annual basis, there are intervals of two years (e.g., for fire extinguisher systems) to six years (e.g., for electrical installations) for preventive fire safety equipment. As there are numerous inspections being carried out at different times, this means that the buildings are subject to continuous monitoring. Corresponding risk assessments are also carried out as part of these audits.   

Emergency plans and procedures are established and regularly tested to ensure the safety of our tenants in the event of an incident. . These plans encompass evacuation procedures, first aid measures and the prompt rectification of safety defects.   

Every incident that affects our tenants’ health or safety is thoroughly investigated. Corrective measures are implemented to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. We continuously monitor all aspects of performance relating to health and safety. The Management Board receives quarterly updates on pertinent safety matters through reports issued by the central technology department.  

The security of our tenants’ data is also hugely important to us. Click here to learn more.

Our Contribution to

Sicherheit und Gesundheit der Mieter
Zwei Personen nutzen Tablet, stehen neben Baustelle, Baugerüst.



Changes affecting the structural condition of our buildings are usually conducted by the technical service, while the residential environment service takes care of the area directly surrounding our apartments. Through close cooperation between the portfolio management, technical service and procurement departments, sustainability considerations are taken into account in procurement (of construction materials).

Responsibility for ensuring adherence to health and safety standards lies with the Management Board and the bodies of the owner companies. They delegate technical responsibility to portfolio management and the central technology department, which also manages the central Group guidelines and reports to the Chief Rental Officer (CRO). This department works closely with the regional business units and the residential environment service, which are also responsible for ensuring compliance with all regulations and implementing safety measures. The Management Board is updated on the status of safety measures by the regional managers on a quarterly basis.
