
Homes That Meet People’s Needs and Demographic Change

As the population ages, the needs of our customers also change. The demand for senior-friendly housing is expected to outstrip supply in Germany by around two million by 2035. Therefore, it is our responsibility to rise to the new challenges posed by demographic change.

We are adapting our offerings accordingly and developing new ideas to meet future housing needs. Our aim is to ensure that our tenants can stay safe, healthy, and independent in their homes over the long term. We want to keep existing customer groups in our properties for as long as possible and attract new ones.

Our Projects



Click here to learn more about JOVO-Treff. 


Senior-friendly development in Leipzig

Click here to learn more about our senior-friendly development in Leipzig (German only).

Außenansicht Gebäude Unternehmenszentrale Vonovia

Senior-friendly development in Berlin-Lichtenberg

Click here to learn more about our senior-friendly development in Berlin-Lichtenberg (German only).

Our Objectives and Key Performance Indicators

Key performance indicators and target achievement: We use the annual proportion of accessible (partially) modernized newly rented apartments as a key performance indicator. In doing so, we aim to refurbish around 30% of newly rented apartments every year so that they meet the demands of an aging society. This key figure is also part of the Sustainability Performance Index (SPI) and therefore one of six fundamental, remuneration-relevant sustainability performance indicators. 

Target for 2024: For 2024, we intend to modernize once again (partially) 30% of newly rented apartments to make them accessible. 

Medium to long-term target (2030-2045): Our medium to long-term target is also to ensure that 30% of newly rented apartments are (partially) modernized to make them accessible. 

Challenges, Opportunities and Risks


Creating homes that meet people’s needs can significantly increase the length of time that people with physical disabilities can stay in their own residences. This ensures rental stability, reduces the costs associated with tenant turnover and enhances the company’s reputation. Appropriate low-barrier construction and renovation measures or accessible partial refurbishments allow Vonovia to tap into additional older customer groups.

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If customers with limited mobility cannot be provided with enough homes that meet their needs, it will no longer be possible for all sections of society to find an apartment with Vonovia. As demographic change is creating a growing number of older tenants, this is reducing our (potential) customer target group. Due to various obstacles to new construction or accessible partial refurbishment (e.g., rising construction costs, high interest rates, etc.), there is a possibility that Vonovia will be unable to meet its own targets for accessible construction and renovation of residential units.

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Creating homes that meet people’s needs can significantly increase the length of time that people with physical disabilities can stay in their own residences. This ensures rental stability, reduces the costs associated with tenant turnover and enhances the company’s reputation. Appropriate low-barrier construction and renovation measures or accessible partial refurbishments allow Vonovia to tap into additional older customer groups.

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If customers with limited mobility cannot be provided with enough homes that meet their needs, it will no longer be possible for all sections of society to find an apartment with Vonovia. As demographic change is creating a growing number of older tenants, this is reducing our (potential) customer target group. Due to various obstacles to new construction or accessible partial refurbishment (e.g., rising construction costs, high interest rates, etc.), there is a possibility that Vonovia will be unable to meet its own targets for accessible construction and renovation of residential units.

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Management Approach

The demand for senior-friendly housing is expected to outstrip supply in Germany by around two million by 2035. In an aging society, we aim to provide people with the opportunity to live on their own terms and in their own homes for as long as possible. Self-determination and autonomy are important factors when it comes to being satisfied with your life – including and especially as we age. 

We therefore aim to design our apartments to meet the needs of an aging society. This includes converting apartments to make them accessible and carrying out refurbishments to ensure they meet people’s needs as well as new construction. We always investigate the possibilities for partial modernization as a first step to minimize costs and potential disruption. New leases in particular offer us a good window of opportunity to carry out appropriate renovation measures. 

These measures allow us to significantly increase the length of time our tenants can stay in their apartments, thereby increasing customer loyalty and reducing turnover. Through this, we support our tenants’ right to self-determination, quality of living and health in old age and contribute to their social inclusion. 

If architectural conditions no longer support independent living, it is important that the barrier to accessing further care services is low. This underlines the importance of our neighborhood-based approach because homes that fulfill these needs must be not only accessible but take the everyday needs of the tenants and the wider social environment into account. We are therefore also continuously expanding our range of social services and partnerships and our investments in the social infrastructure of our neighborhoods in order to meet the needs of an aging society.

Our Levers for Creating Homes that Meet People’s Needs

Ein modernes, barrierefreies Badezimmer mit weiß gefliesten Wänden und grauem Fliesenboden. Es gibt eine ebenerdige Dusche mit einer Glasabtrennung und einem Mosaikfliesenmuster auf dem Boden. An der Wand neben der Dusche befinden sich ein weißes Waschbecken und eine wandmontierte Toilette. Ein großer Spiegel hängt über dem Waschbecken.

(Partial) modernization for full accessibility

We are committed to ensuring that a significant portion of our newly constructed apartments will be accessible and wheelchair friendly. Additionally, we are dedicated to offering flexible apartment sizes to cater to a variety of needs. More important, however, is the low barrier for equipping and refurbishing existing apartments for people with impaired mobility. To this end, we review existing buildings to determine their potential for accessibility. We mostly achieve this with partial refurbishments, which is our way of keeping the product affordable. This consequently allows us to retrofit apartments one by one, ideally according to the stage of life of our customers, in line with their needs. Homes that are completely barrier-free, according to German industry standard DIN 18040-2, are only necessary in very rare cases. Rather, a small number of measures, such as fitting non-slip flooring, flush-to-floor showers, or wheelchair-accessible sinks, or widening doors to standard sizes, are often sufficient to significantly increase the level of living comfort in old age.

Due to the limited investment opportunities available, in 2023 we were only able to (partially) modernize around 6,550 apartments (or 17.5% of newly let apartments) to make them fully accessible. As far as 2024 is concerned, we expect to be able to return to the original level of around 30 percent. The refurbishment program relates to the German portfolio – there are no equivalent programs in Austria or Sweden, although making homes more accessible is also a consideration there under the relevant building regulations. 

Eine Frau im Rollstuhl sitzt an einem Tisch und mal ein Bild. Neben ihr liegt ein Hund auf dem Fußboden und schläft.

Social Infrastructure

In addition to structural adaptations, the social infrastructure in our neighborhoods also plays a key role. We are therefore also investing in alternative forms of housing and care services that support independent living in old age, such as specialized communities for tenants with dementia or setting up neighborhood meet-ups. These initiatives complement our physical refurbishment efforts and promote a comprehensive housing concept that meets tenants’ needs and aims to improve their quality of living while allowing them to maintain their independence for as long as possible. To this end, we work with social institutions and service providers to offer appropriate professional care and support services.

Eine ältere Dame sitzt in einem Sessel und schaut lächelnd aus dem Fenster.

Care and Assisted Living

Since the merger with Deutsche Wohnen, the Vonovia Group also has 72 nursing care properties with a total of around 9,540 nursing places. Like the rental business, our activities in the care segment focus on cities and regions with positive development forecasts, as these are the areas with a particularly high demand for nursing and other care services (full inpatient care, as well as assisted living combined with outpatient and day patient care). We place particular emphasis on high-quality properties, as well as high-quality care, support, and service. 

Care business operations are based on an independent system and process landscape. 39 retirement and care homes are operated under the brands KATHARINENHOF and PFLEGEN & WOHNEN HAMBURG, 38 of which are owned by Deutsche Wohnen. There are also an additional 33 nursing care properties run by other agencies. 

These facilities provide full residential care, the aim being to maintain an active lifestyle and residents’ independence to the greatest possible extent. Demand remained at a consistently high level in the reporting year. Senior citizen-friendly services are also provided within the context of assisted living. With its Care segment, Deutsche Wohnen makes a substantial contribution to addressing demographic change. 

Eine Mann im Anzug geht durch die Vonovia Zentrale und zieht einen kleinen Rollkoffer hinter sich her.



Responsibility for the senior-friendly housing programs lies with the Chief Rental Officer (CRO). The structure of the renovation program is managed centrally and is implemented via the regions. Changes affecting the structural condition of our buildings are usually conducted by the technical service department.

In Austria, needs-based refurbishments and renovations are carried out in close coordination between the technical real estate management and regional/asset management. In the development stage, we determine and define the location and project-specific housing breakdown, as well as their features and fittings, in advance.
